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- Befintlig sida: Diabetes i primärvården
Diabetes i primärvården
Det behövs allmänt en god kunskap om hur diabetes ter sig och behandlas i primärvården.
Verksamhet: Utvecklingsenhet Soma
Ämne: Diabetes/Endokrinologi
Projektledare: Per Wändell
Projektmedlemmar: Axel C Carlsson, Catharina Gåfvels, Nouha Saleh Stattin, Marina Taloyan
Diabetes är en av de stora folksjukdomarna, med en prevalens av känd diabetes i befolkningen på 4,5 %. Typ 2 diabetes sköts till största delen i primärvården, varför en god kännedom om sjukdomen i denna inramning är väsentlig.
Det behövs allmänt en god kunskap om hur diabetes ter sig och behandlas i primärvården, både för att ge ökad kunskap om sjukdomen men inte minst för att kunna förbättra omhändertagandet, för att bibehålla en god hälsa och förebygga komplikationer.
Kliniska studier, databasstudier, utnyttjande av redan insamlat material (ExHype).
Viss forskning pågår redan (fysisk aktivitet vid typ 2 diabetes), annan har precis påbörjats i slutet av 2011.
(Se även "Diabetes hos invandrare", "Livsstilsprevention i primärvården", "Psykosocial hälsa vid kronisk sjukdom"!)
Description in English
Diabetes is one of the most common and important diseases in
society, with a prevalence of known diabetes in the population of 4.5 %. Type 2 diabetes is managed mainly in primary care, why a good knowledge of the disease in this setting is essential.
There is in general a need for a good knowledge of how diabetes
appears and is treated in primary care, both to increase knowledge about the
disease but not least to improve the care, to maintain good health and prevent
Clinical trials, database studies, the use of already collected
material (ExHype).
Some research is already underway (physical activity in type 2 diabetes), another has just begun in late 2011.
(See also "Diabetes in immigrants "," Lifestyle Prevention in Primary
Care", "Psychosocial health in chronic illness"!
- Wändell PE, Brorsson B, Åberg H. Drug use in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1996;19:992-4.
- Wändell PE, Brorsson B, Åberg H. Psychic and socioeconomic consequences with diabetes compared to other chronic conditions. Scand J Soc Med 1997;25:39-43.
- Wändell PE, Brorsson B, Åberg H. Drug prescription in diabetic patients in Stockholm in 1992 and 1995 - change over time. Eur J Clin
Pharmacol 1997;52:249-54. - Wändell PE. Risk factors for microvascular and macrovascular complications in men and women with type 2 diabetes. Scand J Prim Health
Care 1999; 17:116-21. - Wändell PE, Gåfvels C. Drug prescription in men and women with type-2 diabetes in Stockholm in 1995 and 2001: change over time. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2002;58:547-53
- Wändell PE, Gåfvels C. Metabolic control and quality of data in medical records for subjects with type 2 diabetes in Swedish primary care: improvement between 1995 and 2001. Scand J Prim Health Care 2002;20:23-5
- Wändell PE, Gåfvels C. Patients with type 2 diabetes aged 35 to 64 years at four primary health care centres in Stockholm County, Sweden. Prevalence and complications in relation to gender and socio-economic status. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2004;63:195-203
- Wändell PE, Theobald H. The association between blood glucose value and long-term mortality. Diabet Metab 2005;31:588-94
- Fritz T, Wändell P, Åberg H, Engfeldt P. Walking for exercise – does three times per week influence risk factors in type 2 diabetes?
Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2006;71:21-7 - Wändell PE, de Faire U, Hellénius ML. High intake of alcohol is associated with newly diagnosed diabetes in 60 years old men and
women. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2007;17: 498-508 - Wändell PE, Bolinder G, de Faire U, Hellénius ML. Association between metabolic effects and tobacco use in 60-year-old Swedish men. Eur J Epidemiol 2008;23:431-4
- Pettersson B, Rosenqvist U, Deleskog A, Journath G, Wändell P. Self-reported experience of hypoglycemia among adults with type 2
diabetes mellitus (Exhype). Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2011;92:19-25 - Fritz T, Caidahl K, Osler M, Östenson CG,
Zierath JR, Wändell P. Effects of Nordic walking on health-related quality of life in overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes, impaired or normal glucose tolerance. Diabetic Med 2011:28:1362-1372 - Carlsson AC, Andreasson Nixon A, Wändell PE. Poor Self-rated health is not associated with a high total allostatic load in type 2 diabetic patients - but high blood pressure is. Diabet Metab 2011;37:446-45
Wändell PE, Theobald H. The association between low fasting blood glucose value and mortality. Current Diabetes Reviews